Our partners at SC&RA recently held elections for the 2021-2022 term, and they’ve announced the new leadership slate. Led by new president Kevin Johnston of J&R Engineering Co., Inc., Mukwonago, Wisconsin, the SC&RA officers are:
- Chairman: Jay Folladori, Transportation Consultant, Jacksonville, Florida
- Vice President: Ed Bernard, Precision Specialized, Inc., Brantford, Ontario
- Treasurer: Michael Vlaming, Vlaming & Associates, APC, Vallejo, California
- Assistant Treasurer: Scott Bragg, Bragg Companies, Long Beach, California
NBIS welcomes the following new Group Chairs joining the Board:
- Allied Industries Group: Peter Crisci, Enerpac, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
- Crane & Rigging Group: Pat Collins, Link-Belt Cranes, Lexington, Kentucky
- Transportation Group: Keith Settle, Oxbo Mega Transport Solutions, Scappoose, Oregon
- Ladies Group: Karen Millsap, Ridewell Suspensions, Springfield, Missouri
We are also excited to acknowledge the following Board members, each elected for a three-year term:
- Ed Bernard, Precision Specialized, Inc., Brantford, Ontario
- Kevin Johnston, J&R Engineering Co., Inc., Mukwonago, Wisconsin
- J Rozum, MSA Delivery Service, Canton, Michigan
- Randy Sever, PSC Crane & Rigging, Piqua, Ohio
- Troy Tallent, Omega Morgan, Hillsboro, Oregon
- Michael Vlaming, Vlaming & Associates, APC, Vallejo, California
NBIS congratulates these newly elected leaders, and we look forward to a productive year.